Our Partners and Supporters
We are very grateful for the sponsorship, help and advice from our partners and supporters. In particular we would like to recognise the contributions of the businesses and organisations on this page, without which we’d be unable to do what we do.
Point North Community Foundation
Special thanks to Point North Community Foundation for supporting us with funding from the Durham City AAP Grants Scheme. This has enabled us to develop this website which will support all visitors and residents
Durham City Freemen
The Freemen have helped us buy our lovely pink tabards
Durham BID
Durham BID have contributed to the cost of redesigning and printing our leaflets
City of Durham Parish Council
The Parish Council offer us much advice and encouragement
Durham Markets Company
Involved with the founding of the Pointers, the Markets Company house our beloved trike when we’re not on duty.
Durham Town Hall
The Town Hall offer us a base to work from, housing our spare materials and belongings.
Are you a local business, organisation or individual who’d like to support our work?
Find out how you can support us